Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why are you blogging in the middle of your Olympics?

Yes, you're probably thinking why is she blogging when she has so much to do with her Olympic competition going on? Well- it's probably because I've been up since 4am!!! After we got done racing we had some media to take care of and then had to prepare our sleds for the race today. Then we took the 30 minute trip back to the Whistler Athlete Village, grabbed a quick bite to eat, did our laundry, and then got some treatment to fix up our aches and pains to get ready to go for today. I feel asleep rather easily, but took a sleeping pill just in case, and then woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 4am!! I've been trying to watch movies online (Personal Best, a movie from 1982- before I was born lol), but then I ran out of time (these things are timed when you're watching for free- 72 minute limit), so now I've been twiddling my thumbs trying to fall back asleep but it's not working! So I opened my facebook account and saw all the well wishes and the messages of support- it really means a lot and I appreciate it greatly. All my family, friends, and aquantinces, and even people I don't really know- you guys are making this a wonderful experience and I thank you very much.

Also, the other reason I'm blogging is I'm trying to keep everything pretty much the same as I would for any other world cup race or even a world championship race. It's two more runs and a lot can happen, so I need to stay calm and relax a little. Erin and I can do this, we just need to be confident but still be on our A game. 0.13 from gold is not a lot of time, and Erin, Pinky, and I, plan on making it here goes! 2 more runs! GO PINK! GO PAC!


  1. Bronze medal. How cool is that, Elana?!

    Pat Sullivan

  2. Whoo Hoo!!! Way to go!! We're all proud of you here in the ATL.

  3. Congrats on the performance! Have you written an entry on how you got into bobsledding? I'm from the Chicago. The only time we really saw anything other than regular sleds was when the Olympics was on every 4 yrs. How did you go from GW to bobsledding?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congrats on the medal!!! Douglasville is PROUD of YOU!!!
