Thursday, February 18, 2010

Ridiculously busy day!

Days can be pretty busy as an Olympian, and today was especially one of them! I started the day off rushing to breakfast in order to make it in time to my live chat with the Washington Post, to which I was of course late- as I forgot to account for time it would actually take me to get online and get to the site. The chat went longer than expected, which is completely ok- I welcome all the questions and fans, but I had to chat and prepare for my next task, an interview with NBC. The interview was in downtown Whistler, which was great and it was a gorgeous day, but the trip takes a minute to get out there from the athlete village. Then, I met up with the students visiting the Olympics from GW and told them about a few of my experiences as an Olympian. I'm actually in the same graduate program as all of them, although I don't actually know when I'll ever finish mine! lol (hopefully soon though!). I then rushed out of there, as I had to do some damage control for some of my less than popular tweets (our tweets get a lot of followers as Olympians so you have to be careful what you say!). After I controlled some of the damage, I then had to rush to get my workout in, and then showed some GWers around the athlete village. I then rushed to shower and get some rehab on my crazy hamstring, grabbed a bite to eat, watched a bit of Shaun White's epic run, and then burnt my mouth sipping cappuccino on the way to bible study. Finally, I finished bible study and came back here to answer all my emails and do everything I didn't do during the day cause there was no time! Definitely busy day, but it's a nice problem to have. My days are going to get a lot less busy starting tomorrow- the time that I call my "drop dead zone," it's the personal time I'm taking to prepare for my races. After my races- I'll be busy as ever again, but for now, it's getting down to the wire and time to focus. So if I don't respond to anyone on facebook, twitter, or even on this blog, please don't take it personally. I thank everyone for all the support and encouragement- but now it's time to go to work! This is what I trained my whole life for, it's time to go get some hardware!

P.S. Rebekah Bradford will be competing tomorrow so check her out!

1 comment:

  1. If you get a chance to blog about it, I'd like to know what your training taper is like for an event like this. I was surprised to read you'd PRed your squat the other day. I figured that close to race day you'd have backed way off on the lifting. Shows what I know! :)
