Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Media attention

As a result of being named to the 2010 Olympic team, I've been getting quite a few media requests. It also doesn't hurt that I'm the only winter Olympian from Georgia, coupled with my ties to softball and Washington DC, and my strong christian faith. It's been pretty hectic keeping up with everything and conducting all the interviews and I'm sure I have driven some of the media insane by my hectic schedule and trying to find times to fit them into it. I am very happy to do all the media- I enjoy it and feel honored that people want to interview me. We have our last major team press conference when we arrive in Vancouver on Thursday at 2:30pm, so we'll see what happens with the media after that point- not sure how it works- it's all new to me! Like I said, I love the media attention, just feel bad that I'm not as prompt as I'd like to be with getting the interviews done and getting back to the media. So if there's any media reading this- I apologize!!! In the meantime, here's two recent articles to enjoy:




  1. Saw the AJC article and just wanted to stop by the blog and wish you luck. Glad that Georgia is being well represented. Enjoy every moment while you are there because it will go by so fast. :-)
