Saturday, February 6, 2010

Park City!

This week the entire U.S. Olympic Bobsled and Skeleton teams are in Park City, Utah, for a little pre-Olympic training. This is our last opportunity to test anything with our sleds and runners (the blades basically- but they're rounded- not sharp) before we head up to Whistler for the Olympics- THE SHOW!!! Park City so far has been a giant blur- it's been go-go-go since the minute we got here! Today was a little more relaxed- I actually have a little time to blog! I didn't have a workout today and Team Pac didn't slide- so it was nice to have a little time off. We got our Olympic gear from Under Armour today, which looks amazing- although the jackets create some interesting problems- they're cool- but not at all practical for our sport- so all of us are quite confused what we're going to warm up in during the games and what we'll actually wear for the various parts of our sports- guess we'll have to figure it out!

Today I actually had the great opportunity to hang out with my friend, who is a spare on the British Olympic team. Not only is he a great guy, but it's also nice to see a spare with such a positive attitude. Team Pac has been blessed this season to have a wonderful spare- Jamie Greubel- who has helped our team so much and also helped me keep my sanity. Unfortunately, Jamie won't be with us in the games, but she will be there in spirit. Jamie is currently in Lake Placid, New York, with my other good friend Jazmine Fenlator driving and honing their skills to make the 2014 Games in Sochi- I'm excited to see them again and I wish they could both be in Vancouver.

My friend also reminds me about the international nature of our sport. I have met many amazing people from all over the world- one of which is now one person I consider one of my best friends- Shelley-Ann Brown- who will race with Helen Upperton in the games. I'm so happy to be sharing my Olympics with her- I couldn't imagine anyone more amazing than her. She's awesome and I've never met anyone who can find the good in everyone- and she truly lives her life this way. I'm so happy to have met her- and truly blessed as well.

Well- tomorrow is another busy day so that's all for now!


  1. Elana....we are so proud of you!!! Speed asked me tonight if I had seen anything on you/your sport and I got on the computer to look you up! I had chills as I read about you. I always knew you would aspire to greatness, and you certainly have in so many ways! Our love and best to you as you compete and know that we are praying for you and thinking about you constantly! Our love to Jan and Eddie too - I can only imagine how proud they are! Stay focused!! Much love and support from a few old friends! Speed and Lisa Young (

  2. Lisa! It's so great to hear from you! You and Speed and Mandi and Alex are all such amazing people! Will email soon!
