Monday, August 30, 2010


USOC intern Riley Steinmetz recently posted a blog entitled "An Olympic Attitude", which discussed the attitude it takes to achieve greatness, specifically the attitude it takes to become an Olympic athlete (  For athletes, we know the necessity of thinking positive in all situations and how it affects everything from our game-day results to even our daily training.  Those of you who have been long-time fans may recall me tweeting or posting facebook messages about my swagga- and losing it and regaining it.  Well, my "swagga" is my Olympic attitude.  It is the attitude that tells me I can do anything I want to, that I can achieve anything and nothing is impossible with a little hard work and determination.  My confidence has faltered from time to time, especially during an Olympic year when people are out for blood and will be quick to tell you when they think you're not up to par in hopes that you'll fold under the pressure, and in this year- the toughest year athletically for me- I indeed lose my swagga at times.  It always is tough to regain a positive attitude when you're at your lowest of lows, but it's imperative that you find your "swagga" and pull yourself out of it- and that's exactly what I was able to do.  I found my "swagga" right before the Olympics in Park City, and I was determined to win an Olympic medal.  And even though the odds were against us, I had my "swagga" back and I knew anything was possible.  Once was lost, was newly found and I knew great things were going to happen.  So hold tight to your swagga, cause it makes all the difference in the world.

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