Tuesday, August 24, 2010

6 months...

So today was an anniversary and a death of sorts for me- as it has been exactly 6 months since Erin and I won bronze in Vancouver.  So yes, I celebrate that great memory today, but also it is a death of sorts.  Ever since winning the medal, people have told me that the life of a medal is only about 6 months- and then after that no one cares.  Of course my family and I still care dearly, and I'm sure Erin and her family care as well, but to most of the public, there's other big sporting events that have happened and you are essentially old news- the appearance requests disappear and so does the so called "celebrity" status that goes along with it.  I'm ok with that, as I've stated in other blogs it's never been about being famous or anything like that, although I have greatly enjoyed the appearance requests and speaking engagements.  I've had a blast this summer traveling and meeting so many amazing people!  Although the next season is fast approaching and my medal may be "dead" to the world, I'll live the rest of my life as an Olympic Bronze medalist (hopefully multiple medalist, including gold :))- and it won't matter how famous I was during these past 6 months, what will matter is that I have accomplished a dream- a dream that began at the age of 7.  I still continue to dream and my dreams continue to grow exponentially, but today, I'll reflect on the past 6 months, remember all the fun and excitement, and then focus on those dreams that have yet to be achieved.

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