Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sliding Season is Officially....OVER!

The sliding season has officially ended- well for me at least. In Lake Placid, the track is scheduled to stay open until April 15, but with the warm weather they've been having- who knows if that will actually happen. For me though, the season ended with my final run on Friday- driving and pushing from the top! I ended on a pretty good note, which I was extremely happy about and it leaves me excited to see what the future holds. Driving is so much fun- it's great and I love it! I have a lot of potential because of my athleticism, so it will be exciting to see what will happen next.

Driving brought with it a whole new slew of stressors: finding brakeman, sleds, runners, and making sure everything was taken care of. Although it was extremely difficult and I had way more drama than I should have had, it was nice to have my own "team"- Team Meyers. Katie Turner, a former field hockey player and graduate of American University, came up from Maryland to brake for me for two weeks. Even though our race was cancelled and turned into a "scrimmage," it was great fun and Katie was a great sport about everything- hopefully she'll train hard this summer and return in the fall- here's hoping!

I learned so much this past year- from the politics that go into an Olympics to how to navigate down a track to how to make sure you have a sled. So much work to be done for the future, but for now- I'm going to let my body recover from 6 months of sliding! WOO HOO! ALL DONE! Hanging up the spikes for a minute...until October...

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