Monday, March 15, 2010


The media circuit has slowed quite a bit (I'll update on that later), which has given me time to get back to bobsledding! As many of you know or have read, I am trying my hand at driving now! I drove a little at the end of last season and am doing the same this season, except this season I will hit two tracks. I am currently out in Park City, UT driving and will go to Lake Placid, NY, on Thursday to do more driving and prepare for a race- America's Cup on April 2- which I'm completely stoked about!

One of the toughest things about being a driver however has been finding a brakeman. You wouldn't imagine how hard it is to find brakeman that can commit to sliding for a few days. I have been emailing hundreds of colleges looking for athletes, but am striking out. I've been able to find some, but not enough- which makes it impossible to learn how to drive! We (Jamie Greubel, Jazmine Fenlator, and I) have been rotating driving and braking- which has been crazy and resulted in me taking 9 runs the other day...9 RUNS!!! Usually you take two and as a World Cup brakeman- usually you take 6 per week at most- and I took 9 in one day! NINE!!! Crazy stuff but that's what you have to do when you can't find brakeman.

I'm excited to see if I can actually do this- so we'll see. I love it and enjoy it quite a bit- so we'll see what happens. For now, if you know anyone who could be a brakeman- send them my way!!! I'm desperate!!!

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