Friday, March 5, 2010

Dating While Bobsledding

One of my greatest dreams in life aside from winning medals is to one day have a family of my own, you know, a husband, children, white picket fence...well maybe not a white picket fence but a house on the beach wouldn't be so bad :) Anyway, as much as some men don't want to admit it, the real point of dating is to try to find that special someone to share the rest of your life with- that someone who will love you when you bring home a Bronze medal or when you come home battered and bruised from a horrible crash or when you lose your job and the money's gone- someone who will love you through thick and thin- and a kind of love that you can't even put into words. That's the kind of love I want to have someday, a love that's forgiving and loving and true, but in my line of business (although bobsled can be business but it's also play!), dating is very difficult. I've had the great opportunity to meet some incredible men! Simply incredible! Men that will make some women very happy someday, however, that woman won't be me. It's unfortunate yes, but I meet someone incredible and then two weeks later I'm off again, trying to stay in touch, doing what we can, but nothing ever really working out- which is definitely understandable- it's very hard to feel connected to someone who is never around. Even dating other bobsledders is difficult for the same reason- in season you are so busy doing what you need to do you don't have time for dating really, and then the season ends and they go back to their respective country. Don't get me wrong-I love what I do! I've met some amazing people and I'm very grateful for what I've been able to accomplish and I wouldn't change a thing. I know my prince charming is out there somewhere to sweep me off my feet, someone who will be able to stick with me as I travel around the globe doing my thing- not an easy task I assure you. Until then, it's back to work and dreaming about my future family.

If you can't tell by now...I'm definitely a romantic :)


  1. Romantic is good! :)

    This is a very interesting post. I don't suppose becoming a decorated athlete and getting to see the world is such a bad trade off, but I guess that would seriously hinder any attempts at having a lasting romantic relationship. Guess it's something I'd never really come to appreciate before reading your words, though it seems I've heard similar tales many times before.

    Still though, I can't think of anything I'd rather do than leave where I'm at for good, and never have to look back. To see the world and experience all it has to offer must be a pretty amazing thing, even if it is part of one's job.

    Hmm... perhaps traveling is something of a romance in itself.

  2. God has a plan for you, Elana. He knew exactly when to introduce me to my wife. Not a moment too soon, not a moment too late. All you can really do is to keep working on yourself, improving yourself mentally, spiritually, and learning life's lessons the first time you're taught them. Then BAM!! He'll pop up on your radar screen, and he'll be the kind of person that has been working on himself, also.

  3. Definitely agree with traveling being romantic! I love it! I'm much more of a nomad anyway...I love what I'm doing right now and wouldn't have it any other way! Although I'm sometimes left heartbroken- it's been a fabulous journey and I can't wait til the next stage of my bobsledding career starts! A family will have to wait...

    Having said that- I definitely agree- a family will come in God's time...God has I plan and He's never been wrong before! It will happen when it's supposed to...He's good for that ;)
