Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Do you ever wonder why you remember somethings and forget others?  Like why you can still belt out the lyrics to every En Vogue song ever made and still remember your first pair of cleats, but can't remember the name of that super important person you met yesterday?  I used to think I had a great memory, but now I don't know if it's all the hits in the head I've taken over the years in sports (bobsled has definitely added to that) or the fact that I'm getting older (although I like to still believe I'm not that old- although the elementary schoolers tell me otherwise), but I don't remember things as well as I used to.  Even things like songs- I can't remember the lyrics as well as before!

Now yes, some of the things you remember may have to do with things like repetition and importance, but the question is always- why do we remember what we remember?  

Often you also remember the bad things that happened to you, the bad things people said to you, and the just plain bad people.  Why is it so easy to forget the good stuff and remember the bad?

I've created so many memories since my run to the Olympics and post-Olympics.  I've had a blast getting the opportunity to do so many different things, and meet so many amazing people.  I just keep finding myself wondering if I'm going to remember these times later when times get tough- because they do for all of us- Olympic medal or not.  

I'd like to think I can remember everything- that I'm going to remember the excitement and the joy of every single bronze medal moment, but I fear I won't be able to.  I suppose the important thing is to take advantage of those bronze-medal moments, because we all have them.  Remember the good times, and try to throw away the bad.  There's only so much space in there for memories, and I want mine to be good ones.  So the question I pose to you is this, what do you want your memories to be?  Go out and make them- and make 'em good!

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