Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Training Diet

I had a comment asking what my diet was like.  I constantly have to be aware of what I eat.  In bobsled, we have to make weight as a team.  The maximum weight is 340kg (748lbs), which includes the sled and the brakeman and driver and all our gear.  Our sled alone weighs anywhere from 176kg or 387lbs (USA 2 sled) to 184kg or 405lbs (USA 1 sled) and we have some of the heaviest sled's in the world!  The Germans use sleds that are minimum weight (170kg or 374lbs) which allows them to be have heavier brakemen and drivers.  Unfortunately, we don't have that luxury in the U.S.  I am the heaviest brakeman- my in season weight ranging anywhere from 80-82kg (176-180lbs) and my out of season weight (and my current weight) at about 84Kg (185 lbs).  Ideally, I would be 80kg and am working to get down there.  Although I have my ups and downs and diet mistakes (I had to try IN-N-OUT for the first time and it was delicious), I am starting to find a diet that will allow me to make weight and allow me to keep it off.  Before I've tried all types of diets- mostly eliminating carbs- which worked temporarily- but I was never able to keep the weight off- it always came right back.  Now I've learned that carbs are not the enemy!!!  It's all about eating the right types of carbs at the right time.  My coach described it like this: if you divide your plate into thirds, there should be 1/3 good carbs, 1/3 good fats, and 1/3 lean protein.  Now each meal I focus on having exactly that.  Good carbs are carbs that are low glycemic carbs, foods like whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, etc.  These are important because they provide energy, and when you workout as much as I do, you need the energy.  Often as power athletes, we overload on the protein- but really this isn't an efficient way of giving your body the energy it needs (although protein can be converted into glucose, the only substance the brain can actually use, it is much harder on our bodies and not efficient).  Good fats are things like nuts, peanut butter, avocados, and even butter- yes butter!!!  I'm not saying to overload on the butter- but definitely butter over other spreads.  Lean proteins are things like chicken, lean beef cuts, turkey, and fish.  I personally don't try to count every single calorie, but I do write down what I eat and try to eat balanced meals with plenty of vegetables.  If you have to eat high sugary foods, the best time to eat them is right after a workout- your body will use them the best.   As for me though, I'm trying to avoid them, but as you can imagine- that's much easier said than done!  If your trying to loose weight, it's important to remember- this is not something you do overnight!  You didn't put on the weight overnight and you're not going to take it off overnight!  So give yourself some time to lose the weight.  You're better off losing gradually then losing all at once and gaining it all back.  One last tip- STAY HYDRATED!  People often think they are hungry when they're just thirsty.  I drink as much water as possible (and tea).  Water is your friend :)  Your body does so much for you, the least we can do is give it the proper fuel it needs.


  1. Thanks! This was interesting!

    Now for another question. As you know, Douglasville, Georgia is not a stronghold of bobsledding or any other kind of winter sport. So I don't know much about the particulars of bobsledding. What does the brakeman do? And what do the other women do, just push, jump in and hold on?

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