Friday, June 15, 2012

My DeVry

I'm sure you've seen the commercials and heard the slogan- my DeVry.  Well, I'm please to announce that I am going back to school at the Keller Graduate School to get an MBA in finance.  I was thinking about going back to school to study business, but had no idea how to do it and continue competing.  Most online MBA programs are executive MBA programs, which mean you have to have significant work experience in the industry.  Interestingly enough, GW does offer an MBA program for athletes, actors, and other celebrities, but unfortunately I wasn't invited to join this program.  Anyway, so I was considering going back to school and emailed one of the residence managers here at the Olympic Training Center.  She told me that DeVry University had recently signed on as a USOC sponsor to help athletes get degrees while competing.  I inquired further about this program and next thing you know, I'm registering for classes!  Crazy!

With finals next week, I would have completed my first full semester- which is two courses.   So far, I'm enjoying the process quite a bit and am really enjoying learning more about the business world.  I am enjoying this more than I did my other master's degree program and am learning tons!  It's quite exciting to be learning something and enjoying it at the same time!

It'll take me a while to complete this degree, but I'm not in a hurry.  With training full-time and working, DeVry has been very helpful in coordinating a schedule that works for me, and I'm very excited about what an MBA will mean for my future.

I will also be making several appearances for DeVry and doing different projects with them.  This upcoming week, I'll be at the DeVry campus in Phoenix, AZ, as one of the athletes on the Road to London tour, a tour that celebrates DeVry's Team USA student-athletes.  I'll also be working with them on the Mark Your Moments campaign, a Facebook app that helps you set and keep track of your goals (you can join too at  

I'll continue to keep you guys posted on my progress with my degree.  But for now, finals are next week so I better get to studying!

Be sure to check out DeVry's website at   I'm not listed on the Team USA page yet, but I will be.


  1. Congratulations on taking yet another step in your academic journey, Elana. As a long-time member of the DeVry community (since '74) -- and the Dad of both a DeVry and Keller alumus --let me be among the many who welcome you to the University and say how proud we all are of your accomplishments at the Winter Games. We look forward now to your continued contributions in the classroom and beyond.

    All good things.

    Steve Brown
    DeVry Orlando
