Saturday, August 6, 2011

My legs are like tree trunks!

And by tree trunks I don't mean that they're covered in bark and have small animals burrowing in them- I mean they're huge and solid!  These days, I literally feel like I'm walking around on two study tree trunks!

People often ask me how training is going, and I suppose my tree trunk description is the best way to describe it.  My program has really been working on my strength, and I definitely feel stronger.  My legs feel solid from all the squats, and even my core feels rock hard.  My arms are firming up, as is my back, and all this is starting to result in some pretty cool personal bests (or PBs or PRs).  The majority of my PBs were set Olympic year, a year which I started off physically in the best shape of my life, so breaking them would not be easy.  Although I haven't maxed out in squats or power cleans yet, I've PBed in many other lifts.  For example, my Bulgarian split squats- last season my best was 52kg.  This summer, my new PB is 87kg!  Quite the increase!  Last season my highest set of bench for sets of 2 was 75kg.  This summer I warmed up one day with a set of 5 for 75kg!  Additionally, I've always had somewhat non-existent hamstrings (which is probably why I pulled it Olympic year), but this year I'm actually able to do quite a bit of weight on exercises such as RDLs, good mornings, and other hamstring exercises.  Needless to say, my strength is definitely increased.

As for my speed component of training, it's a little more difficult to measure.  We do intense sprint training at least 3 times a week, but it's often difficult to tell what types of gains you are making.  Speed is a function of force application and contact time on the ground.  Increasing strength will increase the ability to apply force, which is why we work so hard in the weight room.  We also work on plyometrics that help us work to decrease contact time.  Although time wise I'm not sure how it correlates, I feel like a stronger sprinter.

Our combine and push championships, which are the major physical tests of the year, are right around the corner.  Needless to say, I'm confident that my training program and the work I've done this summer is preparing me well.

3 more weeks...

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