Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Few Thoughts On Love

If your my friend on Facebook, by now you've realized that a good majority of my statuses refer to my love life.  Most of my statuses are meant to be funny, but some are truly emotional commentary on my thoughts about love.  I'm not artistic, and I'm definitely no song-writer or poet, so often my statuses are the only way to express my emotions; and if you know me, then you know that most of the time I react to situations with humor, even when it's inappropriate!  Sometimes, however, I do express my sorrow or frustration with this thing called love, but we'll get to that in a moment.

My love life has been quite storied.  For someone who didn't even start really dating until late high school- my first kiss wasn't until I was 20 (no lie)- my love life has been quite interesting.  I've dated many different types of men- my social-ability and love of meeting new people lends itself to that- and I've dated men with a lot of different stories.  I've learned quite a bit from the different men I've dated though, most importantly what I look for in a mate.  It's not my intention to review every single story here, but I will eventually write a book of these stories- and trust me- it will be hilarious.

So what have I learned about love?  A lot and nothing at all!  Love is the most difficult emotion. It often has no rhyme and reason, it comes without warning and when you least expect it.  It's such a strong emotion- that it can bring you to cloud 9 and also cause you to feel as though you've entered the gates of hell.  It's an emotion that is unpredictable and uncontrollable and wonderfully amazing all at the same time.  Losing love can bring your to your knees, while finding love can bring you to the highest mountain; but that's just the thing about love- you don't find love, it finds you.

Now I don't know whether there is only one great love for everyone- that there is only one person in the world you will ever truly love romantically.  I hope that we can have more than one great love, because I have been in love, and I have been out of love- more frequently out of love than in.   I have also had one great love- a love so great I still wonder if I'll ever find anything better- but that love also left me with the greatest heartbreak of my life, a heartbreak that still pains me to this day.

I have had so many ups and downs with love that despite my attempts at humor at the situation, it could be looked at as quite discouraging.  I could easily be bitter and turn cold.  But I choose otherwise.  For every love I have lost, every moment in love has made it worth the heartbreak.  I cherish every time I have been in love and would rather have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.  These loving moments have enriched my life more than any heartbreak could ever defeat me.

I'm an optimist.  I believe in the goodness of love and I believe that everyone will find love- or love will find them.  I believe that love is worth sacrificing for, and that no single cause is greater to fight for.  I believe in the power of love, and that there is love for everyone.

I'm sure my dating life will continue to be hilarious and that I'll have many more adventures- that's just who I am- and it makes life interesting.  And who knows, I may experience more love and heartbreaks, more ups and downs in this thing called love, but I know I'll cherish every moment.  And although I'm not actively looking for love, I know it will find me- and I can't wait to see what happens when it does.

I love love.

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