Monday, September 27, 2010

2010 Push Championships

     This past week we completed our pre-season combine testing (a series of tests to determine our current fitness) and our annual push championships.  Coming off an Olympic year, I really wasn't sure what to expect.  My training hasn't been at the same level of last season, as I have spent a majority of the summer trying to figure out ways to finance this upcoming season, as well as making appearances with my bronze medal.  My training hasn't been as consistent as I would have liked, so I was very nervous to find out how I would test and perform this week.  Although I didn't set personal records in anything, I am pleased to report that I finished first for the second season in a row in the combine testing.  I ran a 3.88 in our 30m testing, not bad but still over a tenth off my PR, but still the fastest in the field.
     Additionally, this pre-season I haven't been pushing much, as my body has needed time to recover from any lagging injuries and also I haven't been in Lake Placid consistently enough to put it regularly in the workouts.  Once again however, I am pleased to report that I won push championships for the 3rd consecutive year as a brakeman, and also won push championships for the first time competing as a pilot.  I still have much to learn pushing from the pilot's bar, but I feel that this was a great way to start the season.  I can still pick up much more time pushing as a driver, but a win's a win.  Here is the write up of the event:

Now it's just more training til the ice opens on October 15!  Can't wait!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Finally!  I now have an address where you can all send donations and autograph requests!  For all autograph requests, please enclose something for me to sign as well as a self-addressed stamped envelope so that I can return them asap.  For donations, all checks can be made out to me, Elana Meyers.  Thank you for all your support and I look forward to hearing from you!

Elana Meyers
P.O. Box 6131
Douglasville, GA 30154-6131

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My life (currently) summed up in a quote

"Deciding to train for an Olympic team, no matter the situation, requires tapping into your deepest reserves of dedication, courage and sacrifice.  Not only must you be willing to put your personal life on hold, you need to tolerate treading your body like a machine and also risk enormous disappointment...You have to say to yourself, and to the rest of the world, I have a dream: I want to make the Olympic team.  Then there's no guarantee you will.  Emotionally, you're so exposed." 

This quote from Dara Torres' book, Age is Just a Number, pretty much sums up what myself and all other Olympians and aspiring Olympians go through in order to reach their dream.  Well said.