Friday, January 10, 2014

Hard decisions

It all comes down to next week.  It all comes down to Igls.  The thought of it is literally making me sick to my stomach.  As excited as I am about the naming of the Olympic team for the U.S. women's bobsled team next week, I'm also completely dreading it.  Why would I dread what would seem like a tremendous celebration?  Because for the six women are named to the team (3 drivers, 3 brakeman), 3 inevitably won't be named to the team- and that thought turns my stomach over and makes me sick.

Why would that thought make me sick?  Well I'm a team sport kind of athlete, I love having teammates and I love interacting with them and competing with them.  My mom always wishes I would gravitate towards an individual sport, where the focus was just on me and my performance, but I could never stay away from the fact that I absolutely love having teammates and people to share the highs and the lows with.  There's a certain bond between teammates that develops and it's always something special, and with this team it's no different.

I say it's no different, but this team is something special.  Kristi Koplin was one of the brakeman with me my first year driving- taking miserable trip after miserable trip as I tried to learn the ropes.  Without her and the class of brakeman that came in with her, who knows where I'd be.

Emily Azevedo has been on World Cup since 2006-2007 season and she's been a stalwart.  With Olympic games experience, she's been a veteran leader for the brakeman and helped keep everything together- with the changing of coaches and drivers as well.  Emily's been a rock for this team for a long time.

Katie Eberling- oh what can I say about Katie!  She's been my rock for the past two seasons- she's been with me as I transitioned to a full time World Cup driver and fought with me through thick and thin- she pushed me to two World Championship medals and she's got a fight that's always helped me stay confident in my driving.  We've been roommates the past two years- we've seen each other at the highest of highs and the lowest of lows (she's probably seen me cry more than anyone in bobsled other than Nic!), and she's always been there for me.  I can't say enough how much the past two years of having Katie in the back of my sled has gotten me to where I am today and for that I'll forever be grateful.

Lauryn Williams is a rookie this year.  She doesn't know much about the sport, but she's one of the most positive people I've ever met.  She's eager to learn and eager to help, and she's been great for a team where stress is a constant looming presence.  She pushed me to a medal this season and it's been a joy to slide with her.

Lolo Jones is one of the hardest working people I've ever met.  She has so much energy I feel like she's doing 100 things at once!  She truly transitioned into a bobsledder and knows how to take care of a driver.  It's definitely reassuring as a pilot knowing that if the sled some how broke in a million pieces, you could rest assure knowing that Lolo would some how find all million pieces and personally sit down and super glue the entire thing back together!  That's what kind of worker she is- she's tireless and determined.  I've won medals with her as well and what's she's displayed in those wins is an incredible amount of fight.  She's been great for this team.

And finally, Aja Evans.  What a beast!  She's got so much talent I think the weights get stronger when she lifts them!  She's been a great athlete all her life but she is starting to become a great bobsledder.  She's always pushed fast, but she's starting to learn the sport and is working every day to become a better bobsledder.  I had my first World Cup win with her and she has worked this year to make my life as easy as possible.  We've been through our highs and lows together, but this year in particular we've grown closer and she's really come into her own.

When you've got 6 great brakeman, 6 brakeman that I've all won medals with, cried with, and laughed with, how the heck are you supposed to narrow it down to just 3?  To clarify, the drivers do not select the brakeman.  The brakeman are selected to the Olympic team by a selection committee that includes coaches, our CEO, and retired Olympians.  I personally am glad I don't have to make this decision, because with a brakeman squad like this how could you possible choose?  All of these women work extremely hard and all of them deserve to go, but only 3 will make it.  I'm going to be over the moon excited for those who make it, but devastated for those who don't.  I have no idea at this point how this decision will turn out but I'm proud of every single last brakeman.  They've all fought for this spot and they've all earned it.   I'll be honored to be on an Olympic team with any of these incredible women.

January 19 will undoubtedly be one of the hardest days for me of my bobsled career...