Sunday, July 24, 2011

I Smile

Ever have one of those days where you're just feeling down?  You wake up and you wish you could just stay in bed?  Well, whenever you feel like that, just give Kirk Franklin's "I Smile" a listen.  Guaranteed to make things a little bit brighter. :) 

Assembling my "A" Team

If any of you watched the ESPYs this past week, you saw many athletes get on stage after winning their awards and thank a countless number of people.  Although it can sometimes be boring to audiences, each and every one of these people are part of the athlete's team that helped them get to where they are.

Now normally when we think of team- we think of the other players on the field- the ones with them day in and day out sweating and grinding.  But any athlete, and any family member of an elite athlete, knows that there is a team behind the team that is equally if not more important than the other players on the field.

So even though the Winter Olympics are 3 years out, I have already begun the process of assembling my "A" team- the group of people that are going to help me reach my goals.  Center and foremost on my team, is of course God.  He has brought me out of the darkness and into the light so many times and without Him I am nothing.

As for my earthly team, one of the toughest decision I faced this past season was selecting who was going to be my new strength and conditioning coach.  As I mentioned in previous blogs, I loved working with Stu McMillian and Dan Pfaff and am eternally grateful to them, but I needed a change and found that change in Brad Deweese.  As for my bobsled specific coach, I'm grateful that the federation has added Todd Hays and Mike Kohn to our already great coaching staff- and now we truly have the dream team coaching staff!

So I've also started working with a new sports psychologist and a new nutritionist, and am blessed to have Dr. Josh Glass on my team as my chiro whenever I'm in Atlanta.  I'm working to finalize the remainder of my medical staff, but I'm confident that I will have a great one going into Sochi.

However, one of the most important pieces of the team is the social aspect.  I'm blessed to have a great family who supports me in whatever I do.  They are truly the people that keep me in check- that no matter what I do- whatever medals I win- I will still have to keep my room clean.  They love me regardless of what I do- but they're my biggest fans as well.  I truly am blessed with the best family in the world.

Family is only one part of the social "A" team though.  For any athlete, friends are essential.  Sounds simple right?  People unfortunately assume just because you have a lot of twitter followers or Facebook friends- you must have a lot of friends right?  Wrong!  I know a lot of people yes, but I have very few friends.  My mother said it's a lonely road to the top- and I can't think of better words to describe it.  Friends to me are those people who I can call up and say absolutely nothing about bobsled to and they could careless.  They're those people who love me and are excited for me about what I'm doing, but love me for the person I am.  They also are some of my biggest fans, but they really don't care if I never bobsled again.  They're the people who ask me what else is going on in my life- and not just about bobsled.  They're the people who push me to want more- not just out of bobsled- but out of life.  They're the people who help me figure out my future- and share my past- and love me in spite and because all of it.  These are the people I couldn't win medals without.  

The lonely road I'm on is not simply the fault of my friends by any stretch of the imagination.  I take full responsibility for losing contact with some of the greatest people I have ever met.  I've always been a little socially awkward and therefore I've had trouble making and keeping friends.  As I've gotten older, the awkwardness has subsided slightly, but I haven't been the best at maintaining my friendships.  I desperately seek to develop genuine relationships, and am working to re-establish the friendships I've been neglecting over the years, and hopefully develop new friendships.  These people are so important to what I do, they keep me sane!  And making any Olympic team and succeeding at the highest level, requires some level of sanity lol

So there you have it- my "A" team that will take me to the next level.  Without this team, Sochi won't happen...they're the people who are going to help me try to make my dream a reality

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Psych Your Mind!

Any onlooker and somewhat understand the physical training we athletes undergo.  You can see us training- running sprints, lifting heavy weights.  You can see the blood and sweat that goes into the physical training to be an elite athlete, but what you can't see is where the game is really won- in between our ears. 

Once you get to elite athlete status- the physical difference between athletes is minimal.  All the athletes have reached that level because they are the finest their sport has to offer- they are the greatest their country has to offer.  All of these elite athletes are then training hard to maximize their physical ability as much as possible.  So if you have the greatest athletes in the world physically, what makes the difference?  What makes champions vs. elite athletes who never make it to the top?  

The mental side to the game is so critical!  I've had to learn this over the years- and every day I still must work on my mental approach.  The difference between winning and losing at this level is purely mental.  Who can push themselves more to the limit- through the grueling workouts?  Who can handle the pressure when the pressure is the highest- like the Olympics?  Who can handle training full time and in our case- working as much as possible- and worrying about all other sorts of life problems- and still compete at the highest level?  Who can repeatedly face failure- yet keep their confidence?  

The last one is key.  As an athlete you compete against others, but the greatest battle is you vs yourself.  In sport you will inevitably face failure.  How you recover from that failure makes all the difference.  Will you fold and give up?  Or will you fight?  The athletes that fight and learn from their failure are the ones who will succeed.  It's not easy to do- trust- but at some point in your career as an athlete you have to look at yourself in the mirror and decide what you want to do- do you want to give up and let failure defeat you- or do you want to fight?

I had a pretty tough week mentally- my physical training was grueling and I was forced to deal with the feelings when you don't live up to your own expectations.  The week could have easily crushed my spirit- but I chose to fight...and I have grown so much as a result of this week.  I am mentally stronger because of just this one week- and therefore I am a stronger athlete.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Rookie of the Year and Colorado Springs

The USBSF (United States Bobsled and Skeleton Federation) recently held their Annual team camp in Colorado Springs at the Olympic Training Center.  There, we partake in several team building events, as well as do our workouts and have our annual board meeting.  For me, it was also my first official meetings as a member of the Board of Directors, a position I am honored to hold.  Overall it gives us a chance to get together, both bobsled and skeleton, and celebrate the past and look forward to the future.  

This year it was great seeing everyone and although the schedule was packed, I did enjoy it.  I also had the great opportunity to attend the USOC Coach of the Year awards dinner, where Brian Shimer was named the USOC Coach of the Year and Grant Schaffner, received an award as well because of his technological advances in the sport of skeleton.  It was an honor to be able to see these two well deserving individuals be recognized by the USOC.  

One other thing that occurs during this week is the Annual Gala, where several awards are given.  This year, Shauna Rohbock, one of the greatest bobsled pilots in the history of the sport, received the Women's bobsled athlete of the year as well as the Athlete's Choice award.  Additionally, Shauna teamed with Valerie Fleming to receive the Team of the Year award.  These two deserve these awards as they have greatly changed the sport of women's bobsled and are two of the greatest athletes in winter sports history.

Several other athletes received awards:  Steve Langton was named Male Bobsled Athlete of the Year and received the Athlete's Choice Award, Annie O'Shea was named Female Skeleton Athlete of the Year, and Kyle Tress received Skeleton Athlete's Choice Award.  Congrats to all the award winners!

As for me, this year I was awarded with the Rookie of the Year award!  I am truly honored to receive this award.  I honestly could not have done it first and foremost without all the brakeman who slid with me- the ones who raced- Jamie Greubel, Emily Azevedo, Megan Hill, Katelyn Kelly, JennaBree Brown,  Kristi Koplin, Katie Stoever, and Hilary Werth- as well as all the countless others who were in the sled with me to help me get the trips I needed this season.  I am truly grateful for everything you all have done for me- and I can't thank you enough.  You each have contributed greatly to any success I had this season, and to that I am eternally grateful to each of you.  Thanks guys!  I am also appreciative of the coaching staff I had this season- Mike Kohn, Brian Shimer, Janis Kippurs, Janis Skrastins, and Dave Owens- very thankful for everything- even if I didn't agree all the time.  I am also thankful to all my teammates- and especially the ones who helped coach me- including Shauna and Val- I am blessed to have great teammates- both male and female- and I couldn't have gotten through the season without any of you.  Finally, I want to thank one person who has made a world of difference in my life.  My roommate and competitor, Jazmine Fenlator.  We have been through so much together in just a few years- but she has become a great friend.  She was integral to any success I had this season.  I couldn't ask for a better teammate and friend.  She literally kept me sane most of the year, and I know in the future we will both accomplish great things.

I say all these things like I'm retiring or something!  I'm extremely grateful for everything everyone has done for me and how they have all helped me!  But you're only as good as you're last time on the ice- and I got beat by the Russians in the last race- so we've got some work to do!

Back to the grind!